Beginning the Journey

Hello everybody, this is the first of what I hope to be weekly updates on Galantrix projects, in particular our first game, “Outsider”. We will use the ⁠general channel for random chat while I’ll be using this one to communicate the game’s evolution. I’ll later create a channel for actual “formal” announcements, but it’s too early for that. If you care to follow the nitty gritty of game development, this is the place for you. Consider this as a run-of-the-mill development blog.

Whenever I share previews with the amazing folks here, I’ll generally use unlisted Youtube links or screenshots. It seems that Discord won’t allow me to update screenshots in case I accidentally publish a bad one, so I might store them externally ( most likely) instead.

This week was special because we released our first visible “artifact”, a preview of the the game teaser ( - this bad boy took us some 20 hours of work, which included a good deal of video editing learning, something I didn’t have a lot of experience on. You might have seen an earlier teaser posted on ⁠general , but I already made some changes due to some feedback and the fact that I wasn’t too happy with parts of the texts - interestingly, exactly the parts that received the feedback. The learning here is to never publish something when you don’t feel 100% about it; I’ve been rushing somewhat to get some things out of the door so I can publish a “Coming Soon” entry on the Steam store, but “rushing” turns out to not be a great thing to do.

For the technically curious, the teaser was created using Da Vinci Resolve, Blender for the graphics and FL Studio (+a bunch of plugins) for the music. I also started working on the Steam submission page, which will require the game “capsules” - a bunch of little graphics in different resolutions that appear on the stores. That’s one of the things we’ll do next week.